
Family Medicine & Primary Care
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Division of Family Medicine and Primary Care


Research mission statement

The Division focuses on research that is aligned with our vision, relevant to the quadruple burden of disease and integrated with the needs of the service provider. Research tends to be operational or translational in nature and focused on the implementation of evidence and improvement in the quality of care within the district health system. 

Lessons learnt at an undergraduate level are written up and where possible undergraduates are involved in helping with research projects.

At a Masters level supervisors are competent and given projects linked to their own areas of expertise. Continuing professional development empowers supervisors. Where possible Masters students work collaboratively on larger scale projects. All research assignments are published.

At a Doctoral level there is a significant increase in the number of students and output of higher level research with a greater impact. There are several academic staff capable of supervising doctoral research.

The Division develops a research unit and focuses on research in the following areas related to Primary Care and the District Hospital:

  • Basic research that looks at developing the tools for research
  • Clinical research that focuses on conditions and clinical processes across the burden of disease
  • Health services research that focuses on key performance issues e.g. access to care, co-ordination and continuity of care, comprehensiveness of care, efficiency of care
  • Health systems research that focuses on broader policy related issues
  • Educational research related to the discipline of family medicine


The students and project-leaders in the division are involved in various research activities.  Please refer to research reports for further information.